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High-ticket sales are something online coaches dream of offering to their potential clients, and equally, dream of landing killer sales. However, once you’ve launched the offering, it’s now all about selling which often can be the most frustrating and tedious part.
We spoke to Isabella Sanchez, business coach, all about high-ticket selling: “I remember the first time I launched my first high-ticket offer. I was pumped because I had gone through my life coaching certification and had built an audience of 30,000 subscribers on YouTube. I was like “The second I talk about it, applications will start rolling in” and I’ll be set for life. My dream of impacting lives and getting paid for it would finally become a reality.
“ But when I did, I heard crickets. I couldn’t understand why I was so qualified, so passionate about helping people and so consistent with showing up but no one was buying from me. I was getting dozens of DMs about how amazing I was but no one wanted to pay. I knew I was an amazing coach, but something wasn’t clicking.”
Sanchez continues: “If you are where I was back then, I’m here to help. If you’re thinking of launching your first offer, here’s what I wish I had done and what has helped my clients launch effectively generating 1 million collectively in 2020.”
Sanchez tells us her very own top tips to a first successful high-ticket launch.
1. Get your mindset right.
Mindset is just what you believe to be true about the world. A high-ticket sales mindset is the belief system you operate from when it comes to sales. Your mindset around your high ticket offer is everything. If you believe it’s gonna sell, then you’ll take the action that matches that belief. But if you don’t, then you’ll most likely stop after you hear your first NO.
Get clear on what belief system you want to rely on as you launch. Pick something that supports you.
Example: “Success is inevitable. If I hear no, it doesn’t mean anything about me, it just means my perfect clients are around the corner”.
2. Conduct effective market research
Making assumptions is the number one reason coaches create offers that don’t sell. There has to be a balance between selling what you want to sell and what your ideal client desires to pay for. But just because you think you know what they want, it doesn’t mean you do.
Jump on 15 minute interviews with ideal clients and ASK them what they want, what they’re struggling with and LITERALLY what would they need to see for them to whip their card out and invest.
3. Craft an irresistible offer
Once you know FOR SURE what your ideal client wants, craft an offer based on the transformation they desire. Think about where they will be pre-coaching, exactly where they want to go and what are the steps they will need to go through to have the desired transformation.
If you craft your offer based on the client’s transformation versus just throwing a bunch of information at them, this will give you the confidence you need to sell because you know you can provide results.
4. Warm up your audience
A cold audience doesn’t buy, especially high-ticket. One of the biggest mistakes I made is not getting my audience ready to buy and even worse…kept my offer a secret and then “surprised” everyone with it.
Give, give, give value before you ask people to buy. Give without being scared of giving away too much and tease your offer weeks in advance.
5. Sell every day
First question I ask my clients when they tell me their offer isn’t selling is: how often are you selling? And most often the answer is not enough.
Sell every day and sell with excitement. People don’t buy by hearing about something one. Marketing is repetition.
If you’re following all of these steps, there is no reason to not sell out your first launch! If you would like free top tips, head over to Sanchez’s instagram which is filled with tips for entrepreneurs.