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Gordana Sretenovic is a former editor of eight years turned startup co-founder in the midst of the pandemic. She built successful content teams in the past and now spends time developing SaaS products to help others do the same.
Social accounts & relevant websites: LinkedIn
Tell us about Workello.
Gordana Sretenovic: Workello is the only tool specifically designed for companies that need to hire content teams. However, even though it started as such, it has become an encompassing tool for remote teams who need to hire top talent.
You started Workello with two co-founders. What is the difference and the importance of female founders when it comes to SaaS products?
Gordana Sretenovic: SaaS is notoriously famous for being a “bro” section of the startup world. The most famous founders you know are usually men, think Zuckerberg, Dorsey. It’s incredibly hard for women to get their ideas out there and share the space with the men and feel like equals.
Of course, we have incredible women founders in the industry, but I think that we can still keep fighting the good fight and show that it is very possible and very attainable to be a woman in SaaS and not feel like an outcast.
In my particular case, the biggest difference between me and my male co-founders is that we think very differently about the product. They are incredibly intelligent and have this amazing drive to push the company forward. I, on the other hand, am much more interested in making Workello as comprehensive as it can be, positioning it as a useful tool, and finding out what our customers want.
The dynamic that we have allowed us to focus on all sides of product development and not fall into the trap of “bro” culture that’s so prevalent in tech.
How have you been able to grow your business?
Gordana Sretenovic: Our business is very much still a baby, but we have managed to get 35 customers in the pre-launch beta phase and that allowed us to see exactly what we need to do to make it irresistible to thousands of customers in the future. We went the extra mile to promote Workello to our community that we were building for the past three years and we wanted them to be our first customers and share this journey with us.
What are some secrets that women in tech should know if they want to start a business?
Gordana Sretenovic: You need to be strong and not let people walk all over you. When I was younger I allowed coworkers, specifically men, to interrupt me, claim my ideas and work as theirs, and generally not respect my time or my effort. Now that I’m older, I’m definitely not perfect, but I demand the same level of respect I give. If I am in a room with disrespectful people, I’m not silent anymore.
Teach us something we don’t know about building content teams.
Gordana Sretenovic: In the world of hiring, there’s an ongoing problem: You can only hire as fast as you can read resumes and conduct interviews. And that process is slow. But what if you could automate your hiring process. I struggled with this for three years, and that is why Workello came to be.
What do you think you do better than most people? How are you able to do it?
Gordana Sretenovic: I think I have more empathy and intuition than my cofounders. They are these amazing forces of nature that just keep going, while I find myself much happier when I can take things slow, talk to people, and really try to create a harmony in our relationship.
What are some of your most favorite books you’ve ever read?
Gordana Sretenovic: I’m a huge fiction gal, but lately I’ve been hearing a lot of great things about Lost and Founder by Rand Fishkin. Everyone is raving about it so I guess this is more of a recommendation of a recommendation.
Where do you see yourself and your product, company, or brand in the next couple of years? What is your dream?
Gordana Sretenovic: My dream is to grow Workello as much as possible and continue helping people with their content teams.