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Lynn Whitbeck is the Founder and CEO of Petite2Queen and Future Forward Sales. She helps the world by providing sales and leadership training programs to achieve more, faster. Lynn is the catalyst for businesses to turn their sales teams into revenue-generating champions.
With her crew, Lynn’s strategic sales training program helps organizations achieve the expanded revenue and business growth that happens when their sales team learns to capitalize on every lead. The powerful live training delivers immediate results in easy shifts, shortens the sales cycle, builds stronger relationships, and closes more sales.
Lynn is the co-author of the highly regarded book, Practical Wisdoms @ Work. This quick-read guide provides insights to navigate situations, challenges, and opportunities that arise every day in business, teaching you how to broaden your career with skills that will set you apart.
Why Is It Important To Have A Mantra?
Lynn Whitbeck: Your personal mantra should align with your core values, the essence of who you are. Having a manta is equivalent to following your heart, intuition, and personal North Star. It’s important because it guides your purpose and mission in life.
Why Is “The Power To Choose” Your Mantra?
Lynn Whitbeck: My parents gave me the gift of choice. While it was always age appropriate, they would share their thoughts and reasons on a specific course, but left the decision to me. This enabled me to stand in my own power and choose my path. The power to choose naturally emerged as my mantra for life.
How Has Your Mantra Impacted Your Career and Life?
Lynn Whitbeck: My mantra of the power to choose has had a profound impact on my career and life. At work it supports a mindset that there are no failures, but rather opportunities to learn and improve. In my personal life, my manta of the power to choose served me at my most challenging period. When my husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer, I recognized I had the choice to wallow in the tragedy or make the most of every day. And we did. We filled each day with precious memories.
How Do You Recognize There Is A Choice In Challenging Situations?
Lynn Whitbeck: I believe everyone has choices. The moment of choice is not always recognized, but it is always present. The key is to push the pause button and step back from the situation. Ask yourself how your own self-limiting beliefs and imposed barriers are restricting your actions. I examine the negative thoughts and flip them around to a positive. It can be hard, but looking at your fears and considering the worst-case, best-case, and most likely scenarios provides perspective.
How Do You Overcome Fear To Make A Choice?
Lynn Whitbeck: I use the worst-case, best-case, and most likely scenario exercise I mentioned above. I spend time working through the worst-case scenario: How would I respond to each fear-based outcome? What would I be able to do to cope or recover? Who could I reach out to for support to overcome? This exercise really helps me reassert my mantra of the power of choice. And, if I identify a reoccurring negative thought, I create an affirmation for it. It’s a single sentence I say out loud every morning as soon as I’m awake. Affirmations help me re-train my brain and embrace my mantra.
What If You Make A Bad Choice?
Lynn Whitbeck: The amazing thing about my mantra is it gives me the power to choose a new direction. I believe every destination is a doorway to another. It’s tragic to me that some people feel they have to live with a decision they have made, instead of making a new choice. Things change, new facts emerge, and fresh opportunities present themselves every day. We need to keep ourselves open to re-evaluating what’s working for us, and let go of the things we have grown past.
How Does Being Kind To Yourself Empower You To Make A New Choice?
Lynn Whitbeck: Being kind to yourself starts with learning from our experiences and seeking the positive. Perfectionism is something I have recognized as a behavior pattern that can hold me back. So, I made the decision to give myself the permission to fail. Obviously, I commit to giving my best, but I learn and grow by doing. And like Captain Marvel, when I fall I pick myself up, dust myself off, and choose to try again.
How Can You Use Knowledge Gained From Failure To Choose A New Path?
Lynn Whitbeck: Through the years, I have sometimes needed to take the long road to travel a short distance. During these journeys I have tried things that didn’t work out as hoped or planned. Yet, I learned how to improve, pivot, and adapt. This is so impactful and a great exercise is performing a post mortem. My team and I have done this activity, appreciating our efforts, analyzing our methodology, and celebrating the lessons learned. We identify what worked and where we need refinements. It gives us tangible guide posts to move forward.
What Is One Thing You Can Do To Embrace Your Power To Choose?
Lynn Whitbeck: I recommend you create an affirmation to embrace your power to choose. As I noted earlier, say it out loud as soon as you wake up every morning. It will shape your day with a positive mindset. Here is an example: “I have the right and responsibility to choose.”
Learn More
Lynn’s been a guest or host on hundreds of podcasts. For over three years, her top-rated podcast, Claim Your Career Crown, has provided valuable insights and the secret sauce for self-empowerment.
Connect with Lynn through Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and You Tube.