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Danielle Amos is a Business + Success Coach, certified Proctor Gallagher Institute Consultant, lifestyle entrepreneur, and host of Prosperity Practice Podcast. Danielle is passionate about teaching entrepreneurs all over the world that prosperity and money are truly about energy and she is on a mission to help entrepreneurs have all it is that they desire through the power of thought.
Tell us about Danielle Amos Inc. How did you come up with this idea?
Danielle Amos: Danielle Amos Inc. (DAI) was initially a way to create myself, as my own personal brand for an all-encompassing business endeavour. Since it is important to have multiple streams of income, it felt fitting to create a company which would house all DAI money avenues. The ultimate mission for my company is to teach people how to work smarter, not harder, by listening to their intuition and taking inspired action.
What do you consider to be a turn-key moment in your professional life, and how did this moment impact where you are today?
Danielle Amos: It was February 2018, I decided that I had enough of playing small. I reached out to my mentor and made a commitment to do exactly what he told me to do. I committed to daily personal development to remove self doubt, worry and anxiety, while committing to income producing activities that were necessary to grow my business. By May, I had reached the top level as a coach with the Proctor Gallagher Institute, and I had earned a seat in Bob Proctor’s Inner Circle. It all started with a committed decision. I accepted no excuses, only the result of having my goal achieved. I was willing to do what it takes, which was mostly mindset work to remove those limiting beliefs that had been blocking me for years.
I didn’t really have a choice, we were so far in debt that I told myself that it was up to me. That I had the power to change my future, that living paycheck to paycheck was no way to live and that I deserved more. I had to become so disgusted with my present results that it forced me to commit and do what it took.
What are the biggest challenges an entrepreneur will face and how do you recommend overcoming those challenges?
Danielle Amos: The biggest challenge that you will face is your own mind. Your subconscious mind is there to keep you safe, to have you play small, and what’s crazy is that it confirms the voice in your head that says, “Who do you think you are?” or “You are too old/young” or “You don’t have enough education” or “No one will follow you”… really just whatever YOU need to hear to stop you. It’s a con artist and very few people overcome it on their own. In fact only 3% of people achieve their goals on their own because of this nasty con artist, which at the Proctor Gallagher Institute, we call the “paradigm”.
This challenge faces any of us who are going after our goals, and it’s nasty! Your friends, relatives, and even colleagues will be in harmony with this con-artist, meaning they will most likely echo what that nasty voice is saying in your mind “Danielle, you have really changed. Who do you think you are?”, and this brings me to another challenge to watch out for.
It is super important to close off your mind to the negative influences of friends, relatives, and past colleagues. They most likely have your best interests in mind, however they bring their own limiting beliefs to the table and share their opinion with you. This is particularly dangerous when your goal may be a young delicate new goal or dream, they may blow it out with their comments and share with you ideas on why
your goal won’t work or how it is a bad idea…none of which are true. When you jump into the world as a new entrepreneur, it is important that you surround yourself with successful entrepreneurs who are also big thinkers with a positive mindset that will support you in this venture. These people will only speak to you about how your plan to be a successful entrepreneur can work and spend no time ever ever speaking about how or why it won’t work. This kind of conversation never served anyone.
What are some secrets to virility/sales in your most successful platform?
Danielle Amos: I think that the real secret to being viral on any platform is consistently showing up and providing value for people that comes from a place within your heart – so this is what I do. I’ve created a community for my audience for which they know they can count on me to show up in each and every day for them. And I do! I am so passionate about serving others, so my intentions in showing up for them are good. Find something you are passionate about, and then share that love with others – the right people will find you and connect with you!
What would you consider to be the largest motivating factor in your career?
Danielle Amos: The largest motivating factor in my career has been my desire to not have others settle in life. I settled and was super hard on myself for years. I was anxious, never felt good enough, questioned my entire existence because of the lack of financial results I was creating for myself. Once I cracked the code, attracted financial wealth, it was “easy” and I wanted to share it with everyone. I all of a sudden felt free, it’s this feeling that motivates me. Especially during times of struggle and confusion, I have seen myself and others go from extensive debt to back- to-back six figure income months. If I can feel it and have it, so can you and you and YOU!
How has being a mom affected your working style and vice versa? What advice would you give to other working moms?
Danielle Amos: Being a mom has been a true blessing, because I play a bigger game when Elloise is watching. I want her to know she can be, do, and have anything she wants in life. I know if she is going to really believe that I need to show her and prove it in my life.
I communicate with her openly about my job, money, and where I am going in my career. This is key. I ask her the same, what does she want in her life, and I tell her that she can have it.
I work while she is at school, and if I have calls when she is home, she is invited to join us. She knows this material well, she lives it! We travel a lot, we talk about what we want, and we make it happen. Don’t limit yourself because you are a mom. You can have it all!
What are some of your most favorite books you’ve ever read?
Danielle Amos: My most favourite book I’ve read (and continue to re-read each day) is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It’s the real deal if you want to learn about making money and living the life you want.
For my last question, I’d like to pose a question to the audience (you!) Let’s take a birds eye view of your mindset. Results never lie. If I want to see where my mind has been, I look at my current results. What have I been thinking about? What are my current results? My income? My health? My relationships?
Danielle Amos: Be objective. Look at your results as a Scientist would; look at the numbers, do not give reasons or excuses. Know that your results are a direct reflection of your thoughts over the past week or month. It’s time to release this old way of thinking. Let it go completely. Stay open and be grateful for this opportunity to release. If you’d like further help with this visualization exercise, I’ve created a completely free resource to help you with this here: http://bit.ly/goalvisualisation
Where do you see yourself and your product, company, or brand in the next couple of years? What is your dream?
Danielle Amos: I envision serving thousands of people all around the world. I truly believe that each and every one of us deserve to have all it is that we desire and so, the more people I can serve, the more people who will begin to realize their dreams; and that to me is the ultimate success – helping others achieve theirs.