Immy Tariq
5 Articles0 Comments

Imran Tariq is the co-founder and CEO of Webmetrix Group, a digital marketing and reputation-management company. He is an author and voice on CNN and CNBC. Tariq also works with seven-figure companies and helps them drive traffic to become market leaders.  

Simon Kallu: Success Takes Time

“Our biggest breakthroughs come from things that don’t work,” says Welsh businessman David Sullivan.    Chartered accountant, entrepreneur and business coach Simon Kallu wholeheartedly agrees with this statement. “If you are finding things difficult,” he says, “you can use that…

Samantha Messias Advocates For Mental Health Through Her Art

Samantha Messias is an award-winning hyper-realistic artist. She creates breathtakingly detailed drawings by enhancing the tiniest of details, intensifying them, changing contrasts, shadows and lights and textures. Initially, however, she turned to art when she could not find the words…

Zahra Lyla: How I Aim To Grow My Agency In The UAE

Zahra Lyla is the social media starlet; you NEED to add to your follow list in 2021. When it comes to all things fashion and lifestyle across the Gulf, Zahra has been a mainstay for many years, after finding success…

How Business Coach, Steph Gorton, is Helping Female Solopreneurs Scale to 10k+ Per Month

Although women are making strides across society to advance in everything from higher education to holding executive positions on corporate boards, there is still plenty of room for improvement and encouraging women to dream big – really big. That’s probably…

How Enrapturing My Dark Catalyst Brought My Art to Life

For most of the greatest artists of our lifetime and times past, there was a catalyst that inspired them to pick up their pen, pencil, or paintbrush, and change the world entirely with their overwhelming expression and emotion. It’s not…